Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Day 1 of training

Today I started the training for the Highlander cycle tour. I was able to get a solid 9 hours of sleep last night which made me ready to go today. I put my bike together for the first time this year last night and found out that my battery died on my bike computer. I didn't get a chance to get a new one today so I will have to get one tomorrow.

After recently graduating from college with a Engineering degree I am now to start my full time job on Monday morning. So to help keep track of my training I have found two great websites. MapMyRide.com and on livestrong.com their is a my plate section which allows you to keep track of the food you eat and breaks everything down for you. Both of these are great sites I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to track their training and diets.

My ride today was 17.34 miles and approximately an hour and 4 minutes to complete. I am currently at home visiting with my parents before I start work so the terrain is pretty flat. I have discovered that I have a long way to go before I am ready for the highlander. With the 18 major climbs and the 11,000+ feet of climbing I need to hit the hills soon.

I am very glad that the weather turned out as nice as it did today, sunny warm (around 76 degrees) and barely a cloud in the sky. Do you ever stop and look at the day and just think about how lucky you are to be able to enjoy it. Today was one of those days. It just made me appreciate how amazing this world is and all the things I can be fortunate for. So my note for the day is to take a step back at some point and look at everything that makes you happy in life and really appreciate it.

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